At the time of the first rash, it is advisable to treat immediately with antibiotics and not to wait for laboratory results,(Lyme Treatment Protocol) because early therapy increases the healing chances markedly. Several antibiotics are effective in the acute stage if given for two weeks.
Nevertheless, patients still developing subsequent symptoms of arthralgias, fatigue, or paresthesias should be treated longer with antibiotics. Tetracycline, doxycycline, or Amoxycillin should then be used for one month.
In reality, the ancient world already knew the healing power of an elevated body temperature achieved by fever. So this is the effect we use here.
But Borrelia burgdorferi is very thermolabil. The low tolerance of spirochetes for high temperatures well known and explains the absence of B.b. in the tropics. Where infected ticks exposed to high temperatures detrimental to spirochete survival. Thus, the borrelia completely destroyed at 41,6 °C (106,9 °F)
In vitro cultivation of B. burgdorferi demonstrates that the spirochete replicates most quickly at 37°C (98,6 °F).
If the temperature increased to 39°C (102,2 °F) the growth of B.b. significantly impeded. At 41°C (105,8 °F) all spirochetes in the culture killed after 24h. Whereas at 41,6°C all spirochetes killed after 2h.
In our Whole Body Hyperthermia Unit (Heckelbed), the temperature rise is achieved slowly in the entire system, including the brain. We raise the temperature to 41,6 – 41,8 degrees C (106,9 – 107,2 °F). And then maintain it for two to three hours. This treatment takes place under analgosedation, with no general anesthesia used. The patients monitored as in Intensive Care. One Intensive Care nurse for each unit and one physician for 5 units. With some 15.000 treatments carried out during the past 20 years, we never had any major complications.
During the warming-up phase, due to an extension of the vessels, the blood pressure may drop. This can easily meet with a substitution of liquids.
Under the therapy, all known forms of cardiovascular and sedation-related side effects may occur, such as arrhythmia, aspiration, respiratory depression, lung edema, etc. These effects reduced to a minimum by conscientious preparation.
Cerebral seizures rarely occur, but can be treated with intravenous Diazepam.
Burns are rare and thermo-related pressure lesions occur only in about 3% of the patients when positioned correctly.
After hyperthermia, the body temperature often rises by itself. This fever is a result of immunologic response. We also see Herxheimer reactions, which can be treated adequately.
Detox footbath
Colon cleansing
Daily oral medications and supplements
Therefore, the Infusions/detoxification program established by the physicians according to the individual situation of the patient. So It is necessary to cope with the Post Lyme Syndrome caused by the toxins created by the borrelia. So That means the repair of the damaged nerves or endocrine organs with special treatment, including cell therapy.
Partner Treatment
Therefore, Lyme sexually transmitted. So Many people have Lyme without ever having had a tick bite. Therefore, we offer a Lyme Partner Treatment which includes 2 nights as an inpatient, 1st-day preparation (EKG, lung function, basic laboratory, detox with colon therapy), 2nd day the whole body hyperthermia + intravenous therapy, 3rd-day observation.