The main symptom of the acute lyme disease symptomatology phase is the erythema migrans. Days or weeks after the tick bite and erythema forms around the puncture site, which first spreads and later pales centrally, leaving circular erythema. This occurs in fewer than 50% of the patients. General symptoms that occur may be flu-like:
Rhinitis, sinusitis, and cough are not usually present, distinguishing this “flu” from other influenza-like illnesses. Different countries have different Borrelia species and different species may cause different symptoms. For instance, Lyme disease is principally a neurological disease in Australia, whereas in North America single or pauci migratory arthritis with gross swelling predominates.
Weeks or even months after the tick bite, a great variety of symptoms may occur in the chronic lyme disease symptomatology phase.
Multiple rashes after infection are typical of systemic dissemination to their target tissues and cells. Neck stiffness is rather common for the chronic state of Lyme. Some of the chronic symptoms can in fact be disabling. For instance, meningoradiculitis Bannwarth is distinguished by burning radicular pain with or without paralysis. In children, one more often sees meningitis-type courses. Cardiac involvement is specified by an atrioventricular blockade grade I-III.
While The Lymphadenosis cutis Benigna Bäfverstedt (borrelia-lymphocyte) is a tumor-like manifestation mostly occurring at the earlobe, breast nipple, or scrotum. Arthralgias primarily involve the large joints (e.g. knees, elbows, hips, shoulders), although smaller joints (e.g. wrists, hands, fingers, toes) may also be involved.
But In the late chronic stage, sometimes referred to as stage III, Lyme arthritis and acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans Herxheimer (ACA) are typical manifestations. As a result, they may develop even years after the infection. ACA leads to atrophy of the skin. So The symptoms of chronic Lyme are caused by biotoxins & co-factors. For simplification, we add a list of the symptoms that may occur with chronic Lyme disease. It's important to differentiate by Symptomatology and treatment options.
Rhinitis, sinusitis, and cough are not usually present, distinguishing this “flu” from other influenza-like illnesses. Different countries have different Borrelia species and different species may cause different symptoms. For instance, Lyme disease is principally a neurological disease in Australia, whereas in North America single or pauci migratory arthritis with gross swelling predominates.
In the light of In our patients we quite often find impaired: Hypophysis-adrenal axis, adrenal fatigue, disturbed sexual function, no periods (menopause-like Symptomatology in young women), estrogen dominance, hypogonadism, etc.
.But Typical periods of worsening Symptomatology alternate with phases of improvement. So This occurs cyclically every few weeks. Some patients are more symptomatic than others.
Occasionally a macular or hemorrhagic rash may appear. Generally, these rashes are only slightly irritating or pruritic. So This may indicate co-infection.
As well as, symptoms can be diametrically opposite and Lyme disease mimics various other diseases, it becomes clear why diagnosing it is such a difficult task. Therefore, much too often Lyme patients end up in the psychiatric corner.
However, the Symptomatology of chronic Lyme is caused by biotoxins & co-factors. So For simplification, we add a list of the symptoms that may occur with chronic Lyme disease.