We are very happy to announce that we will have monthly Zoom conferences to connect with everyone in this pandemic time. Since international travel has become more difficult, we now invite you to join Dr. Douwes and his Staff for these recurring online events per Zoom.us.
March 18, 2021Dr. F. Douwes
Julian Douwes, med. student
Why are the diagnostics of Lyme so difficult? What do the ‘Lyme tests’ and what not?
Conference Link (Zoom) | Meeting-ID: 853 5102 6115 | Code: 418773
May 20, 2021Dr. F. Douwes
Dr. P. Piehler
Why is bowel restoration after AAT so important? What has St. Georg to offer and what is ‘the bowel restoration program’?
June 17, 2021Dr. F. DouwesLyme Brain. Myalgic encephalitis. Gut-brain axis. How to overcome neurological and psychiatric problems in Lyme Disease.
July 15, 2021Dr. F. DouwesLyme and the immune system. What is wrong and what has to be improved.
August 19, 2021Dr. D. HudiHormonal deviations in Lyme. How to repair the hormonal system, especially the thyroid.
September, 2021Dr. F. DouwesCo-infections in Lymes and how to treat them successfully. New laser treatment available.

Please note: Even during the Corona pandemic international patients are allowed to travel to Germany for medical reasons and receive a letter of necessity from us. For more information please contact

Fréderika Montpetit
Tel: +49 8061 398108
Email: fmo@klinik-st-georg.de
Eileen Guzman
Tel: +49 8061 398284
Email: egu@klinik-st-georg.de

Your St. George Hospital team