Date | Lecturer | Topic |
March 18, 2021 | Dr. F. Douwes Julian Douwes, med. student | Why are the diagnostics of Lyme so difficult? What do the ‘Lyme tests’ and what not? Conference Link (Zoom) | Meeting-ID: 853 5102 6115 | Code: 418773 |
May 20, 2021 | Dr. F. Douwes Dr. P. Piehler | Why is bowel restoration after AAT so important? What has St. Georg to offer and what is ‘the bowel restoration program’? |
June 17, 2021 | Dr. F. Douwes | Lyme Brain. Myalgic encephalitis. Gut-brain axis. How to overcome neurological and psychiatric problems in Lyme Disease. |
July 15, 2021 | Dr. F. Douwes | Lyme and the immune system. What is wrong and what has to be improved. |
August 19, 2021 | Dr. D. Hudi | Hormonal deviations in Lyme. How to repair the hormonal system, especially the thyroid. |
September, 2021 | Dr. F. Douwes | Co-infections in Lymes and how to treat them successfully. New laser treatment available. |
Please note: Even during the Corona pandemic international patients are allowed to travel to Germany for medical reasons and receive a letter of necessity from us. For more information please contact
Fréderika Montpetit
Tel: +49 8061 398108
Eileen Guzman
Tel: +49 8061 398284
Your St. George Hospital team