Integrative Cancer Therapy Concept at St. George Hospital
As if confronting a potentially fatal disease were not depressing enough, many cancer patients also have to face debilitating side effects induced by chemotherapy and radiation treatment. These range from fatigue and hair loss to life-threatening pneumonia, emboli or a crippling wastage of lean muscle mass. Sometimes conventional treatment and its side effects can be […]
Oncothermia: the Loco-Regional Hyperthermia (LRH) treatment
Dr. Douwes, the Medical Director at St. George Hospital, founded the clinic in 1992 together with the Hungarian company Oncotherm, a technical company that develops hyperthermia devices. Since the foundation these divices are used at St. George Hospital and part of its Hyperthermia Center, the largest such center world-wide. Since that time, oncothermia has become […]