Why a Healthy Mouth is Important for Patients with Cancer and Lyme Disease
The mouth is the most important factor in the breakdown of health; close to this is only the gut with its microbiome. All the antibiotics, and all the holistic approaches to healing, are likely to fail if the mouth and the gut-brain axis have been overlooked. The mouth can be a reservoir of bacterial infections […]
The Crown Jewel of our Detoxification Program…
The crown jewel of our detoxification program for cancer and Lyme disease is heat or hyperthermia. Toxins and chronic degenerative diseases Environmental toxins and a chronic burden of the organism with toxins often play a causal role in chronic degenerative diseases. Hence, for overcoming the disease and long-term recovery of these patients, it is important […]
Why do we use Neural Therapy so frequently in Lyme Patients?
In case you are struggling with a health problem, something in your treatment may be missing. Neural therapy introduced by Dr. Huneke in the early 1950s is very popular in Germany and Europe, but almost unknown in the United States. Therefore it is one of the biggest ‘secrets’ still waiting to be discovered. Neural therapy […]
Sarsaparilla Officinalis
Sarsaparilla, of the genus Smilax, is an herb that was once widely used as a Syphilis treatment. Because Lyme disease and Syphilis are both spirochete infections, some Lyme Disease sufferers have used Sarsaparilla with good results (i.e., producing herx reactions and improvement), especially if they had recurring bladder problems. Sarsaparilla is an antidote for mercury.